Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Agencia de Promoción de Inversión del Pacífico colombiano Invest Pacific viajarán con el presidente Juan Manuel Santos a China

China en Colombia, Wang Xiaoyuan, “ya existen algunas aproximaciones para
concretar el proyecto que unirá a Buanventura con Cali, a través del corredor
férreo y así impulsar el tren de carga”.

El diplomático chino que la semana pasada visitó la
ciudad con el embajador de India, RiewadWarjri, aseguró además que se buscan
concretar proyectos en los sectores manufacturero, confecciones, biotecnología,
autopartes, agrícola (café, aceite de palma, azúcar o granos), calzado,
farmacéutico, entre otros.

“El ferrocarril es una alternativa fundamental para
reducir los costos de transporte de carga desde Buenaventura, y a su vez para
movilizar mayores volúmenes de materias primas como carbón, además de algunos
tipos de mercancías”, dijo el embajador Xiaoyuan.

Anunció la posibilidad de instalar en la región una
planta para el ensamblaje de motocicletas, como las que funcionan Medellín y en

“Con las delegaciones diplomáticas y los
empresarios de China e India estamos adelantando un gran trabajo para
cristalizar esas inversiones en corto tiempo en beneficio del empleo y el
desarrollo del departamento”, dijo María Eugenia Lloreda, directora ejecutiva de
Invest Pacific.

Por su parte, el embajador de India señala que
busca expandir el comercio con Cali y con el Valle del Cauca y que en ese
propósito el ferrocarril es una buena alternativa.

“Para nosotros es importante respaldar proyectos de
infraestructura como ese, y en especial la conectividad que se busca entre
Venezuela y el Pacífico colombiano”, sostuvo el diplomático Warjri. Reiteró que
su país ya tiene negocios de minería, el petróleo así como ha contribuido con
equipos de tecnología para la industria azucarera en el departamento.

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The Northwest Energy Angels, the Pacific Northwest’s only angel group focused exclusively on providing early-stage capital to cleantech entrepreneurs, continued its mission of building a vibrant cleantech community in 2011 by investing more than $880,000 in nine cleantech companies, one receiving a second round of funding.

“Despite the economic downturn, our members continued to support cleantech innovation, which we think is a vital part of achieving a clean energy economy and building a thriving business community in the Pacific Northwest,” said Byron McCann, co-chair of Northwest Energy Angels. “We saw a number of exciting cleantech innovations this year, especially in the lighting, water, renewables, materials and energy efficiency spaces. We’re really looking forward to continuing to meet other talented entrepreneurs in 2012 and helping them become leaders in their markets.”

Since its inception in 2006, the Northwest Energy Angels have invested close to $4.8 million in 31 regionally based cleantech companies. This year the group welcomed 20 new investors, bringing the total to nearly 50 members. It also added an Advisory Council of six distinguished leaders from the clean technology, investment, environmental and research arenas to provide insight and guidance to members.

In 2011, the Northwest Energy Angels invested in the following cleantech companies:

New Investments:

Banyan Energy

Developed breakthrough technology for photovoltaic modules using a new category of waveguide optics known as Aggregated Total Internal Reflection (ATIR).

BioVantage Resources

Offers sustainable, bioremediation solutions for industrial, agricultural and municipal wastewater treatment.

Columbia Power Technology

Developed new wave energy harvesting devices using novel, off-shore, direct-drive, permanent-magnet generator technologies.

Flux Drive Inc.

Designs and manufactures permanent magnet, adjustable speed drives and couplings that increase the life and performance of rotating equipment while decreasing energy consumption by as much as 75%.

OneEnergy Renewables

Offers Renewable Energy Certificates and Carbon Offsets, and develops wind and solar projects, to help customers meet their clean energy goals and grow the green power supply in the US.


Developed a scalable communication and control system that enables a 30-50 percent reduction of lighting system energy and maintenance costs.

WISErg Corporation

Developing a technology that converts compostable organic waste into valuable organically derived fertilizers and biogas..

Follow-on investment:

REV Technologies, Inc. (REV)

REV’s electric vehicle (EV) energy networking technologies allow EV’s to act as high-output energy endpoints that improve the resilience and reliability of the power grid by synchronizing their energy needs with renewable power generation in real-time.

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