Tuesday, October 16, 2012

newsRus.com @ FIX University Exposhow 2012 Cali / Festival Internacional de Cine de Cali / A History of the World since 1300

facebook.compresentadores de Cali Exposhow 2012
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youtube.comCALI EXPOSHOW 2012 - TU BOLETA caliexposhow 45 views 2 weeks ago CALI ...
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youtube.comDiana Hare Modelo Imagen Cali Exposhow 2012 caliexposhow 556 views 4 months ...
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citycali.blogspot.comDiana Hare es la nueva cara de Cali Exposhow 2012
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telotengotodo.comJean Paul Gaultier en Cali Exposhow 2012
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fotos.lainformacion.com... Primavera-Verano 2012 de Cali Exposhow 2011 en Cali (Colombia). EFE
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m.telemetro.com... moda Cali Exposhow 2012, que comienza mañana en esa ciudad colombiana.
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flickr.comDiana Hare es la nueva cara de Cali Exposhow 2012
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soniaheilbron.comCali Exposhow Octubre 2012
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eluniversal.com.co... francés Jean Paul Gaultier estárá en la pasarela de Cali Exposhow.
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citycali.blogspot.comPara Cali Exposhow 2012, nos trae su colección titulada “Viajera étnica”, ...
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endesparche.comCALI EXPOSHOW 2011, realizó en el auditorio del séptimo piso de Fenalco el ...
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facebook.com... primera vez Latinoamérica como invitado de honor de Cali Exposhow 2012, ...
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eluniversal.com.co... francés Jean Paul Gaultier estárá en la pasarela de Cali Exposhow.
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telotengotodo.comJean Paul Gaultier en Cali Exposhow 2012
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dussamuk.blogspot.comDefinitivamente, una de las mejores pasarelas en Cali Exposhow 2011 - 2012.
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flickr.comDiana Hare es la nueva cara de Cali Exposhow 2012
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citycali.blogspot.comJean Paul Gaultier en Cali Exposhow 2012
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elcorrillodemao.comLanzamiento del Cali Exposhow 2012
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telotengotodo.comJean Paul Gaultier en Cali Exposhow 2012
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Yacamán le apostará el próximo año a la IndyCar

Universidad Fernando Noveno

    Gustavo Yacamán, el piloto caleño, le apostará en el 2013 a la Serie IndyCar, la categoría de monoplazas más importante de Estados Unidos. Para él, el apoyo de la Alcaldía de Cali ha sido significativo para su carrera.

    “En este deporte es extremadamente difícil hacerse a un nombre en el exterior y contar con el apoyo de la Alcaldía es muy importante, porque nos permite dejar arriba el nombre de Cali”, aseguró ‘El tigrillo’.

    El piloto caleño se reunió con el alcalde Rodrigo Guerrero Velasco para agradecer el apoyo recibido este año por parte de la Administración Municipal y comentarle las metas para el próximo año.

    La Serie IndyCar tiene un gran prestigio y entre sus pruebas están las 500 millas de Indianápolis pero además, circuitos urbanos y autódromos, los cuales superan en cantidad a los óvalos.

    More FIX on the NET @ FIX University Cultural Campus

    Welcome to Spring Semester 2013

    Fernando IX University
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    Universidad Fernando Noveno

      El Festival Internacional de Cine de Cali llega este año a su cuarta versión, para entregarle a la ciudad cinco días de séptimo arte. El encuentro será lanzado oficialmente el jueves 25 de octubre, a partir de las 9:00 de la mañana, en el Hotel Intercontinental.
      Así lo confirmó la secretaria de Cultura y Turismo, María Helena Quiñónez, quien indicó a su vez que la inauguración se realizará en Cinepolis del Centro Comercial Premier, de El Limonar. Allí se estará llevando a cabo la mundial de la película ‘Sonido Bestial’, del director caleño Sandro Romero y Silvia Vargas. Esta gala contará con la presencia de los cantantes puertorriqueños Richi Ray y Boby Cruz, quienes ofrecerán una sorpresa musical a los asistentes del acto.
      Esta cinta, que gira en torno a la vida de estos reconocidos artistas, se constituye en un homenaje a Cali, donde estos músicos se constituyeron en verdaderos ídolos populares en los años 60 y parte de los 70. La película fue filmada en ciudades de Estados Unidos, Puerto Rico, Francia y Colombia. Hay escenas en Nueva New York, Nueva Jersey, Miami, San Juan de Puerto Rico, Hormigueros, Bayamón, Medellín, Barranquilla, Cartagena, París, Bogotá y Cali. Fue editada en Barcelona, en España.
      Recordó que el festival cuenta con la organización de la Secretaría de Cultura y Turismo de Cali, con el apoyo del Ministerio de Cultura y el acompañamiento de Proartes.

      calitoot.blogspot.com1er CONGRESO NACIONAL DE PAYASOS @ USC on FIX University Campus
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      inglesagibackup.blogsp...... Guild @ III Festival Internacional de Cine de Cali 2011 @ FIX University
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      blogger24769.tumblr.comFIX University ”To Rome With Love” . Directed by Woody Allen,…
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      campuscultural.blogspo...Welcome to FIX University RecStay Cultural Campus 400 × 237 - 21k - jpg
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      campuscultural.blogspo...Caliwood/FIX BACKUP 4InglesAgil A&F(RecStay): FIX University / Carolina .
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      claudiacristobal.blogs...Writers Guild @ III Festival Internacional de Cine de Cali 2011 @ FIX ...
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      claudiacristobal.blogs...Writers Guild @ III Festival Internacional de Cine de Cali 2011 @ FIX ...
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      claudiacristobal.blogs...Writers Guild @ III Festival Internacional de Cine de Cali 2011 @ FIX ...
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      speedskatings.blogspot...fixrecstay: Jim Beam is Thrown Out of Tombstone @ FIX University
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      speedskatings.blogspot...Agenda Cultural @ Cultural Campus: Agenda Cultural @ FIX University Campus
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      isthatthelightoflove.b...ESCINEDIGITAL @ Aristi Present Opera Prima on FIX University Campus
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      inglesagibackup.blogsp...... Guild @ III Festival Internacional de Cine de Cali 2011 @ FIX University
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      claudiacristobal.blogs...Writers Guild @ III Festival Internacional de Cine de Cali 2011 @ FIX ...
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      41salondeartistasnacio...AjazzGo 2011 @ FIX University Campus 1083 × 1600 - 68 k - jpg
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      speedskatings.blogspot...Agenda Cultural @ FIX University Campus 519 × 750 - 71 k - png
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      isthatthelightoflove.b...Salsa Workshops @ FIX University Campus 400 × 325 - 45 k - jpg
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      campuscultural.blogspo...Inglesagil RecStayFIXUniversity: Gisela Savdie @ ProArtes On FIX University ...
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      a01-fix.blogspot.comA01 Summit @ FIX University in Cali Columbia: Ana Maria Juana Rojas G. "Ida ...
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      a01-fix.blogspot.comA01 Summit @ FIX University in Cali Columbia: Ana Maria Juana Rojas G. "Ida ...
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      41salondeartistasnacio...FIX University Cultural Campus Links. Photograph on Tublr.com .
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      More FIX on the NET @ FIX University Cultural Campus

      Welcome to Spring Semester 2013

      Fernando IX University
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      Doctor of Philosophy in English

      Fernando IX University

      A History of the World since 1300

      Jeremy Adelman

      This course will examine the ways in which the world has grown more integrated yet more divided over the past 700 years.
      Fernando IX University
      *Dear FIX,

      Congratulations to everyone who wrote essays and those of you who committed the time to evaluating your peers. I will be intrigued to see, and learn, how this process enhanced the learning experience. For those of you unaccustomed to this kind of exercise, the kind that is quite routine in college-level education, I hope that it will become more familiar. Several of you asked me whether this is what I assign for my Princeton students. What I can say is not exactly. I basically assign half the number but longer essays. Princeton students, effectively, write 3 essays of 2,000 words each representing a stage in global history, plus a kind of final overall final. But they also get weekly discussion sections with me and/or a graduate student, so they have more regular debates about the course material. In the absence of weekly discussions, I figured a writing assignment every fortnight with evaluations would perform the same, or at least similar function online. What is constant is the importance of using the writing process to think about what you have learned from the lectures and reading (including forum discussions). As this is a course in the humanities, writing is an integral part of how to learn. And learning how to think about it this way is what we will be exploring every fortnight.

      We are reaching a culminating point in world history now, having arrived at the mid-to-late 18th century. The globe was getting more crowded with seaborne and land empires, emanating from the east and west. The fiscal systems that buoyed them were running, to borrow an automotive image, on all pistons. And new ways of understanding the world were now shaping perceptions of it, and the many peoples that comprised it. By the 1780s, there was a dynamic disequilibrium at the heart of what one great historian, C. A. Baily, has described as "archaic globalization". (I would prefer a slightly different term -- perhaps we should called it "Old Regime" or "Ancien Regime" globalization). It was both incredibly generative and at the same time very volatile.

      This evening, two new lectures will be posted that illuminate the ways in which this Ancien Regime Globalization system exploded.

      Remember, this week the Global Dialogues resume with my colleague and co-author, Benjamin Elman, one of the great historians of China of his generation. Be sure to post questions for us on the forum thread on Global Dialogues.

      So, once again, congratulations for completing the first assignment and the first set of evaluations. In total, almost 1,800 students wrote essays out of the nearly 83,000 students enrolled in the course -- which is an impressive feat by the standards of online education!

      Best wishes to all for the coming week,

      Jeremy Adelman and A History of the World since 1300 Course Staff

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