Appointment of the Director-General of the ILO
Juan Somavia (Chile), ninth Director-General of the ILOMr Juan Somavia informed the Officers of the Governing Body that he would advance the date of his departure as Director-General of the ILO to 30 September 2012.
The Governing Body of the ILO will elect the next Director-General of the International Labour Office by secret ballot, in a private sitting which will open at10:00 a.m. on Monday 28 May 2012.
The list of candidates for each round of ballot may be consulted at any time during the day.
The list of candidates for the post of Director-General was closed at midnight on Friday, 9 March 2012, at which time the following nine candidatures had been received: Mr Gilles de Robien, Mr Angelino Garzón, Mr Ad Melkert, Mr Jomo Kwame Sundaram, Mr Ibrahim Assane Mayaki, Mr Assane Diop, Ms Mona Sahlin, Mr Guy Ryder and Mr Charles Dan.
Mr Gilles de Robien
Candidature submitted by the Government of France (received on 20 February 2012)
Mr Angelino Garzón
Candidature submitted by the Government of the Republic of Colombia (received on 28 February 2012)
Mr Ad Melkert
Candidature submitted by the Government of Netherlands (received on 7 March 2012)
Mr Jomo Kwame Sundaram
Candidature submitted by the Government of Malaysia (received on 7 March 2012)
Mr Ibrahim Assane Mayaki
Candidature submitted by the Government of Niger (received on 7 March 2012)
Mr Assane Diop
Candidature submitted by the Government of Senegal (received on 8 March 2012)
Ms Mona Sahlin
Candidature submitted by the Government of Sweden (received on 8 March 2012)
Mr Guy Ryder
Candidature submitted by Mr Michael Sommer and Mr Luc Cortebeeck, Worker members of the Governing Body (received on 8 March 2012)
Mr Charles Dan
Candidature submitted by the Government of Benin (received on 8 March 2012)
Appointment of the Director-General of the ILO
Juan Somavia (Chile), ninth Director-General of the ILO
Mr Juan Somavia informed the Officers of the Governing Body that he would advance the date of his departure as Director-General of the ILO to 30 September 2012.
The Governing Body of the ILO will elect the next Director-General of the International Labour Office by secret ballot, in a private sitting which will open at10:00 a.m. on Monday 28 May 2012.
The list of candidates for each round of ballot may be consulted at any time during the day.
The list of candidates for the post of Director-General was closed at midnight on Friday, 9 March 2012, at which time the following nine candidatures had been received: Mr Gilles de Robien, Mr Angelino Garzón, Mr Ad Melkert, Mr Jomo Kwame Sundaram, Mr Ibrahim Assane Mayaki, Mr Assane Diop, Ms Mona Sahlin, Mr Guy Ryder and Mr Charles Dan.
Mr Gilles de Robien
Candidature submitted by the Government of France (received on 20 February 2012)
Mr Angelino Garzón
Candidature submitted by the Government of the Republic of Colombia (received on 28 February 2012)
Mr Ad Melkert
Candidature submitted by the Government of Netherlands (received on 7 March 2012)
Mr Jomo Kwame Sundaram
Candidature submitted by the Government of Malaysia (received on 7 March 2012)
Mr Ibrahim Assane Mayaki
Candidature submitted by the Government of Niger (received on 7 March 2012)
Mr Assane Diop
Candidature submitted by the Government of Senegal (received on 8 March 2012)
Ms Mona Sahlin
Candidature submitted by the Government of Sweden (received on 8 March 2012)
Mr Guy Ryder
Candidature submitted by Mr Michael Sommer and Mr Luc Cortebeeck, Worker members of the Governing Body (received on 8 March 2012)
Mr Charles Dan
Candidature submitted by the Government of Benin (received on 8 March 2012)