Monday, October 01, 2012

Computing for Data Analysis @ FIX University

coursera.orgComputing for Data Analysis. Roger D. Peng. This course is about learning ...
460 × 259 - 192 k - png Course Number: 1.017 / 1.010
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article.wn.comThe course "Computing for Data Analysis" by Associate Professor Roger D. ...
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cc.gatech.eduComputational Data Analysis: FOUNDATIONS OF MACHINE LEARNING & DATA MINING
450 × 300 - 31 k - jpg

coursera.orgStatistics, Data Analysis, and Scientific Computing
460 × 270 - 182 k - png

pearltrees.comComputing for Data Analysis
372 × 240 - 15 k

saludcomunitaria.wordp...Coursera: online and free formation about “Computing for Data Analysis” and ...
227 × 171 - 7 k - jpeg

cosinus.nlConsulting and data analysis services • Training courses. Cosinus Computing ...
660 × 180 - 41 k - jpg

jolt.merlot.orgMIT Open Course Ware Computing and Data Analysis For Environmental ...
625 × 260 - 33 k - jpg

infocus.emc.comLook at some of the free on-line courses on machine learning or data science ...
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ivory.idyll.orgThis does beg the question of what I was thinking when I proposed the course ...
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statistics.wharton.upe...As these data do not directly answer important business questions, ...
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amazon.comSoftware for Data Analysis: Programming with R (Statistics and Computing)
300 × 300 - 12 k - jpg

cc.gatech.eduComputational Data Analysis: FOUNDATIONS OF MACHINE LEARNING & DATA MINING
180 × 180 - 7 k - jpg

online.pitt.eduJulius Kitutu teaches a graduate-level course that focuses on computing ...
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sciencedirect.comOf the four functional classes, the third has been hidden by clicking on the ...
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coursera.orgStatistics, Data Analysis, and Scientific Computing
460 × 259 - 26 k - jpg

ohiowheelmen.orgThese data were obtained using a 19th century GPS receiver and was analyzed ...
990 × 765 - 211 k - jpg Short Courses (RNA-Seq Analysis, Cloud Computing, and Data Analysis and ...
600 × 139 - 109 k - jpg will have the opportunity to use our two data analysis labs, ...
550 × 413 - 50 k - jpg

More FIX on the NET @ FIX University Cultural Campus

Welcome to Spring Semester 2013

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Fernando IX University

The Best College Radio Stations

 Welcome to Week 2 of Computing for Data Analysis. So far we've covered installing R and the basic data types. This week we'll be covering control structures, functions, debugging, and the various loop functions in R. There is also a YouTube playlist for the videos for those who prefer to watch the videos there. (Please note that the videos on YouTube do not have the in-video quizzes.) In addition to the Quiz which will cover this week's material, the first Programming Assignment is due this Sunday. I've noticed that many of you (~1,900) have already submitted the assignment, which is fantastic. For those of you that haven't yet, there's still time to get started and submit a solution.

For those that are curious, I posted the data from the pre-course survey that was given the week before the course started. A link to the data can be found on the Discussion Forum ( If you've got any interesting analyses of these data please post your results there.

Finally, I want to thank everyone for participating in the Discussion Forums and for helping out with answering questions. So far we have over 2,000 posts (and 800 comments) to the Forums in over 400 threads. I'm trying my best to answer your questions as they come up but with so many of you out there, community participation is the only way we can make it all work.

More FIX on the NET @ FIX University Cultural Campus

Welcome to Spring Semester 2013

Fernando IX University
Locations of visitors to this page
Fernando IX University

The Best College Radio Stations

Derecho a Ver - Muestra itinerante de cine documental y derechos humanos


Mientras los documentales de la primera edición de Derecho a Ver siguen su itinerancia por el territorio colombiano y parte del extranjero (DF en México, Málaga en España).

Próximamente se podrá consultar la programación para las diferentes ciudades en esta página.

Fernando IX University


JGB Hall Libray Building: Calle 5 No 24A – 91 / Barrio 3 de julio


'Revuelta Colombia' Dirigido por Octavi Royo Olazaguirre Duración: 30 minutos País: Colombia España Un grupo de locos de la vida se juntan en un autobús y viajan por las zonas más dañadas por el conflicto que sufre Colombia para dar talleres y espectáculos a cambio de sonrisas y vida.


'Mi amigo Diego' Dirigido por Rob Brouwer and Pablo Eppelin Duración: 44 minutos País: Países Bajos Luis Alberto Alarcón, ex miembro de la seguridad del presidente Allende (GAP) decide contar su experiencia en las cárceles y centros de tortura durante los meses siguientes al golpe de estado militar en Chile. Un juez le solicita viajar a Chile para enfrentar en un careo al hombre que le torturó y le ha perseguido en sus pesadillas durante todos estos años.


'Los hilos de Penélope' Dirigido por Colectivo Circes Duración: 50 minutos País: España Tres mujeres de Barcelona deciden hacer un documental en el pueblo de origen de sus amigos donde las mujeres viven en la ausencia de los hombres migrantes durante la mayor parte del año. Inspiradas en Penélope de la Odisea, en su imaginario conciben a las mujeres como tejedoras de un vínculo capaz de orientar el destino de los suyos.


'De luna a luna' Dirigido por Diana Kuellar Duración: 11 minutos País: Colombia De luna a luna cuenta el día a día de dos mujeres colombianas. Por medio de sus historias, el documental intenta visibilizar el exceso de trabajo que recae en las mujeres que a la vez son madres, trabajadoras, campesinas, cabezas de familia y que no cuentan con protección social.

Fernando IX University

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